Thursday, June 6, 2013

No stitching for me....

Today started on the run, up early to feed the two little baby goats, get the kids ready for their dentist appointments, and then crud muffins, I was running late and didn't pack something to sew. Dental check ups turned out great for the kids, so I rewarded them with a picnic at their favorite park. Castle Park is a privately owned and manages park dedicated to the loss of a family's dear son. He was a huge Dungeons and Dragons fan and the park is a testimony to his love of all things wizardry.  The giant wooden castle is a maze of multi-level paths that lead to a hidden treasure. Around the park are surprises and delights. From life size archers in trees, knights guarding the castle walls, trolls hanging in cages Nd wizard waging wizard war. It is amazing!! The devotion and work this family has sacrificed for the joy of other children is astonishing. We had a wonderful time today and look forward to going back, soon. 
Those cute little red heads are my youngest. I ordered them with freckles and all. Straight from the catalog!

When we got home, this little guy was waiting on us. His mom is a first time mom, but she is doing well. And he is the cutest. His markings are remarkable. He will be a fine billy goat. As for my other two, they are doing much better. As long as we hold the mom still, they are able to get on and nurse.  Yay, this is a start and better than bottle feeding. 

We are heading out of town this weekend and I am apprehensive about leaving my goat zoo. We have several nannies that are bigger around than tall. Keeping my fingers crossed. Billy and I need the break. 

Sadly there was no time for sewing, but tomorrow is just a day away and my bobbins as full. 

Happy stitching!


Babies abound

Our good lil'Blondie hatched 7 turkeys and 5 guinnea this morning. They are so cute!!!  I wish I could have gotten a picture of them all, but she is a fabulous mother and kept pulling them under her protective wings. 

My baby goats are doing better. We were able to manhandle the mother still and help the little ones get on her to nurse. Which is so much better than bottle feeding them. They get accustomed to the bottle quickly and won't go to their mothers. Now, if we can get them strong enough, they will "steal" the milk from mom whenever she holds still. Keep on praying for them. 

This morning I'm off to dental appointments with my two youngest. I will take along my hexies to work on. Then we are off to castle park for a picnic treat. 

Hopefully, I can fit some sewing room therapy in the day...somewhere. 

Have a wonderful day!


Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Must remember to proof read before sharing. I think the grammar police are knocking on my door right now. Sorry for the error!

Life on a farm...

Somedays a mom just has to pull up her boot straps and get things done. It doesn't matter what we had planned, scheduled, or even wanted to do.  The good Lord leads us where we need to be. Nearly two years ago, God lead me to Billy and his Walking M ranch. Now I have 5 children, age 19, 17, 14, 9 & 7; I have owned a daycare (9 years); managed a small company and worked as a home health nurse. I have worn many hats as a mom and career woman. Did all that experience prepare me for life on a farm?  Nope!  You see here at the Walking M we not only have 8 kids between us (ages 23 to 5), we have Nubian goats, chickens, turkeys, guinea fowl, rabbits, capuchin pigeons, 3 dogs,, and last count 7 barn cats. We have a small zoo!

This time of the year, our nanny goats (girl goats) will start having babies. Usually our only interference is to get the mother goat and the babies (twins are common) to the barn, where we can confine them for their own safety and make sure the babies are nursing ok. But sadly, there are times when a mother goat is not able to care for the babes and its out job to step in and give a hand. Last night was one of those times. A young mother had two babies, a boy and girl, earlier than we think she should have delivered. And since I am a trained nurse, it has become my job to care for the sick and weak. And since my heart tends to be two sizes bigger than it should I openly accept this responsibility. Back to my story...momma won't clean them off or try to nurse them. Billy and I had to hold the mom down to milk her into a bottle, which we had to force feed to the babes with a tube, because they were too weak to eat. Today, I was able to get them both to nurse off a bottle, but the mom isn't providing enough milk. We had to "borrow" milk from another nursing mother. I can't deny that undo enjoy hand feeding them. They get very attached to the one feeding them. Last fall I hand fed my Sophie till she was 2 1/2 months old, 2-3 times a day. Our baby girl this time is very week and I am praying for her. The boy is stronger and has a good chance. 

Black and white is a nanny, the brown spotted one is a billy goat. 

So, did I finish my fabric folding mission?  Sadly no. But I may have saved a baby goats life, and that's just or more rewarding. 

Tomorrow, after dentist appointments I will resume my quest. Or at least I hope. Keep your fingers crossed for me, please

P.S.  I did manage to get in some hand sewing after church. They kids were watching a silly program so I stitched some hexes...want to see?  I thought so!

Who knows what tomorrow will bring. But as long as the good Lord is willing, I am sure I will have plenty to so. 

P.P.S.  thanks are awesome!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Rediscovering old loves and making room for new ones

Last night I started refolding my stash for a more uniform look. My dream, when we built these shelves, was to walk into my sewing studio and see the wall of color and beauty. I had no idea the time it would take to refold everything. This drop in the bucket is only one smallish box. I have at least 15x more to do. My dream is turning into an admission of a serious fabric collecting (hoarding sounds dirty) problem. Today I folded 24 fat quarters from two gorgeous lines that I forgot I had. I wonder what I am going to find as I dive into each box. 

I am using comic boards, purchased on eBay (eCrack for me!) for the larger cuts and index cards for fat quarters and less. I have decided to put small scraps into a pile for later whacking with my accuquilt cutter. With some soothing music, I am thoroughly enjoying the process. Unfortunately, life always seems to interrupt my bliss and I find myself running to an eye appointment for my daughter and a doctor appointment for me. I will get back to my folding and my reminiscing!  Soon I will try out my new longarm. But I promised myself I  had to finish putting things away before I began a new addiction.  

Monday, June 3, 2013

Good, good morning!

In my "BK" (before kids) days, I had sleeping in down to an art. I professed the love of my bed as if it were my long lost soulmate. And did I ever give it attention. I could lie in bed for an entire weekend; reading, watching TV, sewing, and napping. I was especially good at napping. Then along came my beautiful daughter. And my days of courting my mattress with hours of nap time came dwindling down to an end. With each child, I have 5, the precious naps became as rare as trillium. You know that secret stuff Iron Man needed. Is it completely the result of having children?  Is my lack of late morning sleep ins totally vanquished until the children grow old (notice I didn't say grow up!) and the house is empty, nay for Billy and me?  My sweet answer is no!  For today I find myself lying in bed at 7:30  a.m. eating an ice cream cone and writing my first blog.  The house is quiet, except for Billy getting up to go take care of all our critters. Before he left, I thanked him for letting me have my "lie in". He looked at me puzzled and said, "have I ever made you get out of bed?"  No, he has never, but I thanked him for just that. I believe I will thank my kids, too. They may even look at me puzzled. Guess they don't remember the knocking on my bedroom door at the butt-crack of dawn, fingers poking thru the slit under the door, pleading "Mom, Mom, Mom are you up?  Today, I am blessed with an ice cream coated lie in.

What is on my agenda today, besides brushing the cone crumbs out of my bed?  I am digitizing and stitching a patch for a customer, repairing a suitcase, and moving my sewing stuff into my new sewing room. And if I can get that all done, maybe I can play on my new longarm.

So, what's on your schedule today?

Mz Mary