Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Rediscovering old loves and making room for new ones

Last night I started refolding my stash for a more uniform look. My dream, when we built these shelves, was to walk into my sewing studio and see the wall of color and beauty. I had no idea the time it would take to refold everything. This drop in the bucket is only one smallish box. I have at least 15x more to do. My dream is turning into an admission of a serious fabric collecting (hoarding sounds dirty) problem. Today I folded 24 fat quarters from two gorgeous lines that I forgot I had. I wonder what I am going to find as I dive into each box. 

I am using comic boards, purchased on eBay (eCrack for me!) for the larger cuts and index cards for fat quarters and less. I have decided to put small scraps into a pile for later whacking with my accuquilt cutter. With some soothing music, I am thoroughly enjoying the process. Unfortunately, life always seems to interrupt my bliss and I find myself running to an eye appointment for my daughter and a doctor appointment for me. I will get back to my folding and my reminiscing!  Soon I will try out my new longarm. But I promised myself I  had to finish putting things away before I began a new addiction.  


  1. I love this Mary! I wish I had all of that shelving!!

  2. Well done its looking good (sams mum) dot

  3. Samantha sent me over to say "HI" !!! Looking good..I took part in the covert robin also...I'm in Wisconsin. Have fun and may your bobbin always be full ;)

  4. LOVE the selves !!!
    Can't wait to see them filled!
    Anything you can't fit on them I'll take...especially those yummy jelly rolls! LOL

  5. Hi I'm over from Samantha's. Those shelves are begging to be filled. I can't wait to see the rainbow of fabric completed. Welcome to blogging.

  6. Your shelves look just perfect! I can't wait to see them filled with your fabric stash. I'm in the process of cleaning my craft room and in the process, I'm doing a bit of purging. I tend to be a serial crafter and I go through phases for each craft. I need to get rid of some of the things I'm not using anymore and now seems to be as good of a time as any.

    I'm also trying the, my stuff must be organized before I can try anything else!

  7. Thank you all for hopping over to read my blog. I hope everyone can get a chuckle or smile at the shenagins that create my dramatic life. In between all the drama, I love to sew and create. Not just for my customers, but for my family as well. I thank God everyday for giving me a creative mind and I always pray for more time to use it. Like now, it's 4 a.m. here, I should be sleeping, but I'm blogging instead. Blogging is my new "crack". An instant addiction!

  8. You are right about the addiction to blogging... and sewing.... and fabric!! I love your fabric shelf system!
    I am coming over from Samantha's blog.
    I love your new blog! And look forward to reading it...( has anyone taught you how to add gadgets for "following by email " or bloglovin to remind us when you have a new post out.


  9. Wow, I wish I had that kind of space to display all my fabric. It's going to look gorgeous once it's all folded neatly!
