Thursday, June 6, 2013

No stitching for me....

Today started on the run, up early to feed the two little baby goats, get the kids ready for their dentist appointments, and then crud muffins, I was running late and didn't pack something to sew. Dental check ups turned out great for the kids, so I rewarded them with a picnic at their favorite park. Castle Park is a privately owned and manages park dedicated to the loss of a family's dear son. He was a huge Dungeons and Dragons fan and the park is a testimony to his love of all things wizardry.  The giant wooden castle is a maze of multi-level paths that lead to a hidden treasure. Around the park are surprises and delights. From life size archers in trees, knights guarding the castle walls, trolls hanging in cages Nd wizard waging wizard war. It is amazing!! The devotion and work this family has sacrificed for the joy of other children is astonishing. We had a wonderful time today and look forward to going back, soon. 
Those cute little red heads are my youngest. I ordered them with freckles and all. Straight from the catalog!

When we got home, this little guy was waiting on us. His mom is a first time mom, but she is doing well. And he is the cutest. His markings are remarkable. He will be a fine billy goat. As for my other two, they are doing much better. As long as we hold the mom still, they are able to get on and nurse.  Yay, this is a start and better than bottle feeding. 

We are heading out of town this weekend and I am apprehensive about leaving my goat zoo. We have several nannies that are bigger around than tall. Keeping my fingers crossed. Billy and I need the break. 

Sadly there was no time for sewing, but tomorrow is just a day away and my bobbins as full. 

Happy stitching!


1 comment:

  1. That park looks really fun, I love those dudes up in the tree!
